Today was rest and recovery day! Not much to see as the fog is still in. We slept in, did laundry, fueled the bikes and fuel bags up for tomorrow and completed bike maintenance. Steve adjusted the tension on his belt and Joe had to work on his carburetor. It was cold and windy today and the fog is still thick tonight. Let's hope it clears out tomorrow.

We met the fire chief, Kerry O'Quinn, here in Prudhoe and had a great time meeting and visiting with him. We had been talking with him through Facebook before our trip. He had told us, he'd meet up with us when we made it here! Thanks Kerry! If you're ever in West Virginia, come see us!

Of course, he rides motorcycles!
We also met three guys from Spain. This was their last point to make. They have ridden to the northern most and southern most points. They were excited to say the least. We took pictures as did they and congratulated each other on the accomplishment. Again, the love of motorcycles, bringing the world together .

Tomorrow we're headed back to Coldfoot and then to Fairbanks before we continue our adventure. But the goal has been met...... to ride to the northern most point in North America on a 1939 Indian Chief!