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Dee Dee Rinker

Carrying On

Last year we lost a great asset to the antique motorcycle community, Kent Thompson. He has been immensely missed by all. Over the past six months or so, I can’t tell you how many times Steve has picked up the phone to call and ask his good buddy, Kent a question, inquire if he had a needed part, just to talk……only to stop and realize that he’s gone. I’m sure Steve’s not the only one. I miss his smiles, his kind words, his hugs and his inquiries on all the grandchildren. They too, loved riding by him at a swap meet, to be greeted by name. He was just like that.

Steve and I left on our Alaskan adventure just after his passing and we wondered what was to become, but waited to hear.

Later in the fall, when we finally heard rumblings of what Carol wanted for the collection of motorcycles and motorcycle parts, we thought, good for her. Curious as to who would step up and carry on Kent’s legacy, we passed it on in telephone conversations with our kids, Justin, Jared and Brittney. Steve and I talked, if we were only 10 years younger, what an opportunity. Would someone younger in our hobby step up and take this on?

We’re extremely excited to say there was! Our son, Justin has taken this on at only 38. So, yes we do have younger adults in our hobby stepping up. He bought it! And so it begins.

Needless to say, the entire family stepped up…as that’s just what we do and helped to make it happen in the form of hauling, loading, unloading, beginning to organize and trying to gather and bring a variety to Oley for the swap meet.

There will be just the tip of the iceberg at the meet as we are still unpacking, organizing and putting up parts. Please be patient as we learn, study, ask questions and try to carry on…..

With the younger generation comes modern technology. Here’s our contact info-


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