The guys traveled from Danville, VA to Myrtle Beach, SC and made all their miles. It was a hot and humid day around 93 when they pulled into the Myrtle Beach Harley Davidson. Bikes ran well and they just had routine maintenance to complete.
Arriving at the Myrtle Beach Harley Davidson for hosted dinner Thanks!

We had prime spots in the parking garage for our nightly repairs.

Joe got his rear tire to swap out

My sister, Jen and Scott came down to see us. We gave them the full tour through the pits, met the crazy Cannonball group, and then to dinner. We had reservations for dinner at Damon’s with a two hour wait. So, when Lord Byrd found out that they were going to text Steve when a table was ready, it was on. He texted Steve that his table was ready and we all let him hoof it down the street for quite a ways before we broke it to him. You know what they say about paybacks.🤣 A great time with Jen and Scott full of laughs!

Rob Sengle came out to see us as well and got put to work trying to fix the zipper in Steve’s boots. He even got wrangled into directing traffic when they started the next morning.

The view from our room was amazing.

Here’s some scenery along the way

The lunch stop was at Twin Eagle Harley Davidson. Thanks!
On to Spartansburg, SC tomorrow to The Wicked Wrench. The tribe continues to South Padre Island, Texas.
Looks like a fun time. Glad no major repairs are needed.